Had a little misadventure which you must have noticed if you had visited my blog this last week. I had this great weekend getaway to the Konkan region. To Agar Daanda, to be more precise. And then I had these awesome pics to show the world (which incidentally were clicked by me). And then I came across thise site called
bubbleshare that allowed my to display all of 'em here. So I pasted the code on my blog so that all could see the beauty of God, Agar Daanda and my two megapixel camera, in that order. But to my horror, the 'window' displaying my pics appeared after every single post and no matter what I did, it just didn't go away! In desperation I deleted all my pictures from bubbleshare, thinking that if there were no photos in the 1st place, there would be none here to bother me either. I was so wrong. The windows showed even after that. Albeit empty ones this time.
So I did what I had to do. Sent an SOS message to another blogger called
javshak, who is really tech savvy and all that, and thanks to his timely suggestion, my blog's back in place. It looks a bit different okay, but it doesn't look BAD.
Phew. Alhamdullilah. It's a good thing I browse to other 'specialist' blogs. Or else it would have been a long time before you heard from me again. And oh! by the ways, I am uploading those pics again. Hopefully this time the blunderer in me won't mess it up.