Friday, July 21, 2006

I am a bad, bad writer!

I feel so dissappointed with myself...when was my last post? Lemme see, it was so long ago I can't even remember! That's it! The last time I had a 'writer's block', it lasted for like four years! LOL. So if I am getting it again, it's reason enough to be alarmed. This SHOULDN'T happen to good (or even POTENTIALLY good) writers! I can't possibly go on this subject forever, can I? WAIL!
Now what do I do???
Tell you what. As good readers, you MUST help me. Tell me what I should be chronicling about! I know this is not done, but HELLO! How many of your (ahem!) 'favorite' writers ACTUALLY ask you what you want to read? LOL. So please keep those 'comments' (shhhh... Don't tell but I mean 'ideas'!) coming!


Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

iTs ME...?! said...

well as mister anonymous said ... the heading itself is real apt..
bt one serious suggestion from my side...
ur content is not very exactly matching with the theme u r presenting in the heading marker...
try nd actually put down in words things u think bout a lot... bt find it hard to put in words..
nd if u succeed in tht... no comments or suggestions can put u down..
they can only elivate u a bit...
its just shere pleasure writing something which u hv wriggling in ur mind so often...

plus one more thing ur style o writing is good...