Monday, May 29, 2006

Food for thought

"The world is full of willing people, some willing to work, the rest willing to let them."
-Robert Frost

Which one are you? Hehe.


Anonymous said...

well i wd desperately want to be the second one but i guess i fit the first category

Tanveer Khan said...

I will go with...Team Work

saif said...

Salam Alaekum.

Impeccable english, a link to Islam-online, and frequent usage of InshaAllahs, MashaAllahs and Alhamdulillahs - as soon as I put the three together I knew you were born/raised/schooled somewhere in the middle-east.

Someone once told me that it's very easy to spot fellow "arabindians", and I think he was totally correct about that. Anyways, which school did you go to? *just curious*

And MashaAllah, most of your posts are well-written. I hope you make even better use of your writing talents in the future.

Sorry for the off-topic comment.

Allah Ma'aki.

saif said...
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saif said...

Salam Alaekum.

I just noticed the tags you left on my blog. Thanks, but I was expecting a response to my question too.

And you can post your reply as a comment here; I keep checking your blog.

ReallyPosh said...

Erm, what was the question again? About my school? Well, you wouldn't expect me to give that one away on a public forum, would you? But yes, I did spend some of my early years in Saudi Arabia. Don't know how you got that one figured it that obvious? Anyways, thank you for the feedback.

saif said...

I guessed there wouldn't be a problem; my bad.

And you're welcome. :)

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.