Friday, May 26, 2006


Yep! That's the name of my dear darling friend-Shumyla. Apparantly she was miffed because my blog mentioned my three other friends and there was no sign of her. Oh oh. Hell hath no fury as Shumyla in rage! Ahem. Okay she was not really angry, but felt a bit 'left out'. Soooooo, this ENTIRE post is dedicated to HER! If that doesn't make her feel good, I don't know what will! Hehehe. So what's this Shumyla like? Imagine a theatrical laughathon. Well there! You have imagined her! She would put any cartoon character to shame. She can conjure the most dramatic facial expressions and can make me laugh till tears roll down my face! (Actually that happens EVERYTIME I laugh, so maybe it's not that big a deal anyway!). LOL. Well! Someone's gonna get a surprise next time she checks out my blog! Hehehe! Seeya Shu!


Anonymous said...


Crizzie Criz! said...

You want a frank opinion of your blog...? its real pink and its real cute! keep blogging, and i'll keep checkin!


Crizzie Criz! said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

there was 1 comment posted for this section. but u hv deleted it.?????? why??? thats not fair. if u r sharing everything it should b "everything."

ReallyPosh said...

I didn't delete any comments..guess Crizzy Cris just had second thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Very pretty site! Keep working. thnx!