Friday, June 02, 2006

Vague comments from Anonymous readers

Ok. So I open my inbox and see that my dear 'ol blog has gotten a comment. Now just ANY blogger will tell you that getting comments is the prime reason why we write blogs in the first place. So it was quite an anti-climax when all I saw was errr a very vague comment by an even vaguer person. Ahem. And the 'commenter' was smart. Signed 'Anonymous', this one really knew how to cover his (or her?) tracks. Grr.
The comment on my post 'Readathon' says (I quote) "ewrewtt". is this some new lingo that I am not in the know of? (God, I am not that old yet to be obsolete!) If someone can offer some translation, please come forward in the noble mission of enlightening a fellow blogger. Or can the 'The Anonymous' please stand up and clarify?


shumyla said...

My dear friend it was me .It happened like this, i was just trying to check something and i typed randomly but by mistake i clicked the login and publish button and before i cd stop it it was already published. But this article really made me laugh...i loooooooooove u.

ReallyPosh said...

LOL..My anonymous fan finally stands up! LOL! Much ado about nothing, eh?

shumyla said...
